Thursday, April 28, 2011

I have babies!

Although it has been very cold here -where is Spring, anyways?- I have sprouts. I have been monitoring my cold frame, making sure I wasn't cooking anything in there. The baby sprouts don't seem to be in jeopardy of that considering the chill still in the air. This weekend is the Spring Garden Fair and McLendon's 85th Annual Anniversary Sale and Pancake Breakfast. It is very exciting even though my Farmer's Almanac tells me the 30th Poor Planting Day. Break Ground Or Cultivate. Well poop. I don't know that I have any ground-breaking or cultivating to do. Now what :) Anyhow- I would like to share one or two of my sprouts with you...
Cucumbers pushing their way through the soil

Healthy Tomato

Wee Baby Tomatoes
Carrots on their way up

Turnips and Radishes

1 comment:

  1. They look wonderful! I hope the weather starts being nice soon!
